Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I've added two new links over at the side of the page, over there--------------->

One is to my T-Mobile photo album, with pictures taken from my phone. (Camera phone was my Christmas present, thankyouverymuch) The pictures are, as such, not great, but since sometimes they're taken when a regular camera is otherwise unavailable, they're kind of cute.

The other link is to my Fit Day Journal. I signed up for this not because I need to lose weight (I don't - I stepped on the scale a few days ago to see I was officially back to my pre-pregnancy weight), but because I need to a) eat healthier, and b) get more exercise. I thought keeping track of my food and activity, and being responsible to anyone who wants to read about it on the internet, might help me stay on targe.

So, for the first part (eat healthy): Over Christmas break, with all the traveling, having the girls, and everything, my overall diet went downhill. And now, I'm trying to get it back under control. Now, I realize that my "junk food diet" is still better than the "SAD" (Standard American Diet), but with the whole family history of diet-related health problems, I feel it's got to be even better than that.

And going to the El Pollo Loco website, and seeing that the (very yummy) burrito I had yesterday for lunch (which also cost like $5!) had 1,100 calories!!! did put things in perspective. But man, was it yummy.

And we'll ignore the fact that Guthrie and I shared a Snickers bar for breakfast. Eric bought it yesterday, and we had to get rid of it, right? (Where's the blushing emoticon when you need it?)

For the second part? More exercise? Well, I went to Curves for Women last week, to try out their free 3 day trial. I actually really like it there, and for someone so totally out of shape like me (I may be a healthy weight, but trust me, I'm out of shape) I think it will be perfect. Except - I'm so out of shape I injured myself already. I went in on Thursday and Friday, and my calf muscle in my right leg has hurt - really hurt - all weekend. It's getting better, finally, and I think I'll try going back on Thursday.

If I join, my goal is to go in on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, as those are times Eric's schedule will definitely let me go. And my goal, aside from being fit? I want to wear a bikini this summer. Yep, that's right. Hold me to that goal, please?

My only real concern about Curves (I've read some criticisms online, but think they don't apply because I'm in the group Curves might benefit the most, and because you can get what you want out of any work out plan, if you try) is that both times I've gone most of the other women there have been Winter Texans. Which is not a bad thing, except that these ladies 40 years older than me are in much better shape, and I don't know how much of a motivator it will be. Actually, probably a huge motivator not to let a 70 yo woman kick my butt!

I've also been trying to get back into the habit of taking the boys to the park every day. We've been doing well, but we hadn't been walking there, which I'd like to start doing again. Except that it got cold, and so for a few days we're staying home!

So wish me luck. Tell me to lay off the candy and cheese. And get off my butt.

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