Saturday, March 31, 2007

Day Two

This is the progress so far. How is it different than yesterday? Well, it has a ladder. It has rails around the "fort."And it has been moved. 6 Hours so far, and this is it.

We were bound and determined to have it set between the two oak trees we planted, but the ground was just not level there, and it wasn't going to work. So, now, it's been moved 90 degrees to the right, near the fence next to one of our neighbors. Probably better this way, anyway, so the boys don't stand on the fort and throw stuff out onto the street. Not that boys like to do that kind of thing ...

Today it has been rainy, and Eric had to work all day (yes, on a Saturday), so no work on the swing set. Hopefully tomorrow the weather will allow for us to finish it, or at least get close.

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